Crafting history and nature into wearable art, ASSUWA unfolds forgotten stories of the Mediterranean.

Each piece is handcrafted in our atelier in Grand Bazaar, Istanbul.

Founded in London by two close friends, ASSUWA is a sustainable jewellery brand owned by women, embodying the collective memory of the Mediterranean.

Growing up in Istanbul, Selin and Ipek were surrounded by the ancient civilisations of Greece, Byzantium, and the Ottoman Empire—a unique blend of Eastern wisdom and Western philosophy.

Inspired by art, history, nature, mythology, and philosophy, each ASSUWA piece invites you to wear the echoes of history, mythology, and nature.

Etymology of ASSUWA

Around 1400 BC, the Hittite Empire rose to power in Anatolia, now modern-day Turkey. To protect their lands, 22 ancient Greek states in Anatolia formed a league called ASSUWA, with Troy as their capital.

The Ancient Greeks were deeply connected to nature and mythology, believing that each element had its own spirit, or nymph.

Inspired by the league of ASSUWA, they named the spirit of Anatolia and the Aegean Sea "Asia."

Today, Asia is one of the largest continents, home to much of humanity.

It's captivating to see how nature and mythology shapes our collective memory and how we continue to inspire each other.

Together, let's reveal forgotten stories from the Mediterranean's collective memory.

“I have sent you a gift, in order to greet you, my sister... for your neck (a necklace) of pure gold, composed of 12 bands and weighing 88 shekels, coloured linen maklalu-material, for one royal dress for the king.”

- Queen Nefertari of Egypt to Puduḫepa, Queen of Hittite Empire